February 23, 2021It’s Not Safe Outside
February 24, 2021Are the latest innovations in Artificial Intelligence worthy of our fear or celebration as we stride into a more technologically reliant future? Human Applications is an art film reflecting on the algorithmic patterns and architectures behind biological and artificial intelligence. MareNostrum 4, the supercomputer harboured underneath a deconsecrated chapel in Barcelona, provides the perfect backdrop to Human Application’s opening sequence. In the 19th century, when the church was erected, western societies broadly believed we were originated and governed by a single, divine creator. In the final sequence we meet our protagonists, a real computer scientist and his two humanoid AI agents (played by actors) in God’s house. They are the conduits for our exploration of a paradoxical world in which it is humans, not God, playing the role of divine creator. But will our creation, Artificial Intelligence, eventually come to govern us? And does this necessarily have to be a bad thing? Dialogs are based on interviews with prominent voices in the field of AI (including Chris Boos, (CEO of Arago), Prof. Stuart Russel and Prof. Kevin Warwick (Professor of Robotics and the first ever self-professed human cyborg))